A TINKERER'S SOLUTION TO DEALING WITH WEB SERVER DOS ATTACKS ------------------------------------------------------------ A while back I found that my web server (Apache2) was on occasion being brought to its knees by what were effectively DoS attacks. Repeated requests to the server opened so may Apache2 child processes that I'd have to shut it down and restart it. A little research revealed that these attacks came from a variety of foreign IP addresses, and when they came from domestic sources they were usually from addresses owned by the notorious Zhou Pizhong. My server runs Ubuntu Linux, although the solution I found may be adaptable to work quite well on other similar Unix-like platforms. Several packages need to be installed. They're easily available from most, if not all distributions and may already be installed on your servers: Monit - utility for monitoring services on a Unix system fail2ban - a set of server and client programs to limit brute force authentication attempts Python - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language Lynx - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web Gawk - pattern scanning and processing language Additionally, you'll need to configure your Apache2 web server to allow access from localhost to the pseudo-website 'server-status'. How this is done depends on your OS and distribution, but generally involves enabling the Apache2 status module (mod_status.c) and allowing access to the status page from the localhost address,, using the URL http://localhost/server-status. This is Apache system admin SOP and should be easy for anyone familiar with Apache server administration. Other web servers may have similar mechanisms to display the list of currently running server child processes and the IP addresses to which they're connected. If your web server is not Apache2 and the status informaion is in a different format, you'll also need to know how to use gawk (a.k.a. awk) to extract connecting IP addresses from the server status report. The Apache2 server here is using mpm_prefork. Because I run a very small hosting service, the maximum number of Apache2 child processes, MaxRequestWorkers, is set to 150. This number may be much larger for a large commercial hosting service; nonetheless, the same techniques apply. The next link in the chain is a very stable and flexible service monitor daemon called monit. I use monit to make sure that every system service essential for our customers is running as it should. Monit looks at the process table, and/or does rudamentary connectivity tests to make sure that these services are alive and doing their jobs. Monit is capable of counting the number of Apache2 child processes and taking a specified action if this number exceeds a given threshold. The monit configuration stanza which does this is as follows: check process apache2 with pidfile /var/run/apache2/apache2.pid start program = "/etc/init.d/apache2 start" stop program = "/usr/local/sbin/apache_spy.sh" if children > 90 then restart if failed host linode.fmp.com port 80 protocol http and request "/index.html" then restart This instructs monit to transfer control to /usr/local/sbin/apache_spy.sh if the number of Apache2 child processes exceeds 90. This figure can be adjusted up or down as needed, but should never exceed MaxRequestWorkers as set in the Apache2 configuration. This stanza also does a basic check to make sure the server is up and running, but it's the count of Apache2 children that we're interested in here. If the count of children exceeds 90, then control is passed to /usr/local/sbin/apache_spy.sh. apache_spy.sh is a short shell script, as follows: #!/bin/bash # Runs if monit detects an overrun in the number of Apache2 child processes # and passes a list of connecting IP addresses to apache_dos_counter.py. # # See also /usr/local/sbin/apache_dos_counter.py, # # /etc/fail2ban/jail.local and /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-dos.conf # # also, see /etc/monit/conf.d/apache2 which invokes this script # FN="Apache_restart_$(/bin/date +'%F').txt" /usr/bin/lynx -width=200 -dump http://localhost/server-status > /tmp/$FN /etc/init.d/apache2 stop cat /tmp/$FN | /usr/bin/mailx -s"Apache DoS Attack!" sysadmin@fmp.com cat /tmp/$FN | awk '{printf $11"\n"}'|egrep \ '[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}\.[[:digit:]]{1,3}' | \ /usr/local/sbin/apache_dos_counter.py This script invokes the text-based web browser lynx to request the server-status page (http://localhost/server-status) from the server and writes it to a text file in /tmp with a filename indicating the date of its creation, e.g. "Apache_restart_2018-01-31.txt". The script could easily pipe the server-status page directly to the next link in the chain, apache_dos_counter.py, however saving it to a file preserves the state of the server at the time of the attack for manual analysis at a later time. If a server other than apache2 is in use, then the awk invocation (used to parse connecting IP addresses from the server status report) will need to be adjusted according to the format of this output. This list of connecting IP addresses is piped to the Python (v2) script apache_dos_counter.py: #!/usr/bin/python # # See also, /usr/local/sbin/apache_spy.sh and /etc/monit/conf.d/apache2 # """Accepts a list of IP addresses on stdin and logs a line to /var/log/authlog if the count of any single address exceeds mincount.""" import sys import syslog as S # Change mincount as necessary to make the whole system work mincount = 60 ipArray = {} nlines = sys.stdin.readlines() for line in nlines: ip = line.rstrip() if ipArray.has_key(ip): ipArray[ip] += 1 else: ipArray[ip] = 1 for ipn in ipArray: if ipArray[ipn] >= mincount: S.syslog(S.LOG_AUTH | S.LOG_WARNING, "Apache DOS Attempt: %s" % ipn) sys.exit(0) This script tallies the list of IP addresses, assigning a count to each one according to the number of times it occurs in the list. If any address occurs more than mincount times, the script causes a log entry to be written to /var/log/auth.log with the text "Apache DOS Attempt" followed by the first IP address which occurred more than mincount times in the tally. The Python variable mincount must be less than the trigger value in the above monit stanza (in this case 90) and assumes that the DoS attacker is coming in using a single IP address and that other IP addresses haven't already loaded up the apache2 child process roster so that this sequence of actions is triggered when no single IP address exceeds a tally count of mincount. If an attacker is using multiple IP addresses simultaneously then this process may fail, and some other method of detecting an attack, such as counting addresses from the same /24 address group, must be used. This algorithm is perhaps the weakest link in this method overall. The final piece of this DoS trap is the fail2ban daemon. fail2ban scans system log files looking for identifying strings indicating brute-force attacks on services. If an attack is identified, fail2ban writes a rule to the kernel iptables INPUT chain in the default "filter" table so that further packets from the IP identified as the DoS attack source in apache_dos_counter.py are rejected with "icmp-port-unreachable" indicating that there is no valid network path for packets from the attacking client to reach the web server. The fail2ban configurations are as follows: In jail.local, we have the following stanza: [apache-dos] enabled = true port = http,https filter = apache-dos logpath = /var/log/auth.log maxretry = 0 findtime = 31536000 bantime = 31536000 This invokes the fail2ban filter apache-dos to parse /var/log/auth.log, and if the filter finds a match, the offending IP address is banned for a year. The filter rule, in fail2ban's filter.d directory, is called apache-dos.conf and is as follows: [INCLUDES] [Definition] failregex = ^.*Apache DOS Attempt: $ ignoreregex = So fail2ban triggers on the tag string inserted into auth.log by apache_dos_counter.py and identifies the associated IP address ("") as deserving of blocking. This algorithm basically relies on two daemon utilities, monit and fail2ban, which are extremely useful for a variety of security and system stability tasks. What I've outlined here simply harnesses them in series to deal effectively with a DoS attack on the web server. Both of these daemons have other tasks on FMP's server, monit monitoring several services, and fail2ban parsing the mail log and syslog for indications of brute-force attacks on the ssh and authenticated smtp services. There may be better, simpler or more elegant ways of doing this job, but this one works for us, and in the spirit of "if it works, don't fix it", I haven't tried to improve on a working system once we have it working well enough to be effective and safe. Any questions? Email Lindsay Haisley